
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I've never had a job before that made me SO appreciative of my days off. Today was one of those coveted days so I put on my strangest outfit, grabbed my camera, and headed down the gravel drive, into the woods, to the cabin belonging to my friend Dayna's family. Nothing gives you a peaceful feeling more than the smell of a cabin, especially Dayna's cabin where there's almost always something hearty and wholesome on the table. 

Besides her 4 gorgeous daughters, there are chickens roaming free, bunnies, artwork, and creativity blossoming throughout every inch of the property.

I don't know many people who I could ask to come take a nap on their couch and they wouldn't look at me funny....or who would have just the right words to restore my heart after it's broken, but Dayna is one of those people. Plus in the event of a zombie apocalypse she has the perfect setup.

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